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Stories U - Z

Summary: My Valentines Day Story with a twist. Someone is stalking the Captain and leaving notes in the form of "valentines" in her quarters. But who aboard Voyager would dare do such a thing? Or is it just a sick joke... read it and find out! :)

Violet Roses

Rated: PG13
Summary: Chakotay takes Janeway on a fun adventure during there time on New Earth.

Waking Nightmare

Rated: R
Summary: Chakotay is having dreams in which Kathryn is killed. What will he do when the events of his nightmare begin to come true? Can he prevent the death of the woman he loves?

Summary: What Plot? I don't write Smut with plots... okay sometimes I do.. but this one doesn't have one. It was just something for a friend going out of town. (waves hihi to Yaelie)

When In Disgrace
Kadi and Cat
Summary: Voyager has been captured by Space Pirates, and Kathryn claimed by their leader. Can Chakotay save her before it's too late?

Words of Truth and Terror
Kadi and Kat

Rated: NC-17
Summary: While Chakotay and Tom are educating Harry, Kathryn and B'Elanna re doing the same for Seven. Companion piece to Words of Wisdom and Terror

Words of Wisdom and Terror
Kadi and Kat
Summary: Chakotay and Tom are offering Harry, well, words of wisdom and terror regarding the women of Voyager. But how much is fact, and how much is terror! :)

You're Where My Heart Is
Rated: PG-13

Summary: Sometimes your relationship isn't where you think it is and it takes a near disaster to make you see that you both want the same thing. Chakotay just has to stop thinking that he knows Kathryn as well as he "thinks" he does and start listening to what her heart is trying to tell him, before their dreams go up in flames.


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