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Stories I - O

Ice Queen

Rated: PG13
Summary: Voyager makes first contact with an alien race where females are dominant. They take a liking to Chakotay.

Kathryn's Toy

Rated: NC-17
Summary: Out of frustration, Kathryn replicates and uses a vibrator, until Chakotay lets her use the real thing.

Leap of Faith
Kat and Kadi

Rated: NC-17
Summary: Life doesn't always go the way you want it to, but then... sometimes it does.

Lessons in Vacationing 101
Kat and Kadi
Summary: Kathryn is forced into accompanying the Senior Staff on a shoreleave excursion, but isn't happy about it, nor is she happy about the moves Chakotay has decided to make on her...but she's willing to do anything to beat a sarcastic Paris at his own game.

Our Blessed Son

Rated: G
Summary: A sweat miracle and a happy ending.

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